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PRP Hair Treatment

PRP Hair Treatment

At A Glance

Pain Relief

Numbing spray / cold air / skin vibration tool


90 minutes

After Treatment

Slightly pink/sensitive scalp

Recovery Time


No. of Sessions

1 and review in 6 months

Results Last

12 months+

Hair loss can be a scary and difficult time for individuals, and our aim is to support our patients through this period with the latest advancements in science, technology, and innovation such as PRP hair treatment. We assess each patient holistically, which may include evaluating medical health problems, analysing blood tests, and exploring stress levels. Our clinic treatments aim to provide patients with effective and safe options for stimulating new hair growth, improving hair density, and enhancing hair quality.

Our Enhanced PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) hair treatment is a unique and powerful method that stimulates significant hair growth in just one session. This treatment combines a customised blend of proteins, growth factors, and your own platelet-rich plasma, which is then injected into the scalp. Hair growth occurs over several months, with most patients noticing substantial improvement by the 6-month mark. This hair loss treatment is suitable for male- and female-pattern hair loss.

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